Bold Penguin


Bold Penguin is an InsureTech company with a customizable platform for insurance agents and small business owners. I provided designs for all of the internal brand needs, while additionally working on the client side.

In the span of my 16 months working for BP, you will see the evolution of the brand, from it’s origin in the upstart community to its arrival and acceptance among the largest InsureTech brands today. My work concludes with some examples from the brand identity guidelines I explored, discovered, and designed. Background vector elements help visually communicate the connections Bold Penguin’s Exchange creates. Behind the scenes the technology is complex, but its purpose is to simplify. Penguin photographs are used to not only reinforce the brand story, but to additionally create harmony within the tech landscape. Penguin photography embodies brand aspirations. Penguins adapt, work together, and must be bold in order to thrive. 




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